January is nearly over, but you still have time to see a few wonderful exhibitions in Seattle. Here're a few shows you should make an effort to see.

Pacini Lubel Gallery
Mike Moran artwork, on display until February 2nd

Pacini Lubel Gallery
Mike Moran artwork, on display until February 2nd

Greg Kucera Gallery
Katy Stone, Edge of a World, 2007
Etched and lacquered steel, 132 x 174 x 15 inches
On display until February 9th

Greg Kucera Gallery
Darren Waterston artworks, installation view of main room
On display until February 9th

Catherine Person Gallery
Nola Avienne, Negative Traces, each drawing 20.5"sq, 2007
On display until February 9th

Nola Avienne, Negative Traces being created
Electronic device at Catherine Person Gallery

Catherine Person Gallery
Colleen Hayward, untitled encaustic
On display until February 9th

Davidson Contemporary
Artwork by Liza vonRosenstiel
On display until February 2nd

Davidson Contemporary
Artwork by David C. Cargo
From group exhibition "Personal Narratives"
On display until February 2nd

Reis Niemi with artwork at Punch Gallery
On display until February 3rd

Reis Niemi artwork at Punch Gallery
On display until February 3rd

James Harris Gallery
Adam Sorensen, Monuments, 2007, Oil on panel, 54" x 46"
On display until February 9th

James Harris Gallery
Adam Sorensen, Monuments, 2007, Oil on panel, 54" x 46"
On display until February 9th

Grover / Thurston Gallery
Judith Kindler artworks on display until February 2nd.

Grover / Thurston Gallery
Judith Kindler artworks on display until February 2nd.
When possible we'll be adding other Seattle exhibitions. Look for at least one posting each month featuring some of our favorite shows. If you hear about interested exhibitions please let us know.
Dan Fear